DunkermotorenGR/G系列永磁直流电机(换向直流电机)因为如下特点而闻名于世: 使用寿命比其他制造商制造的换向电机长 低定位力矩 高效率高动态加速度 良好的调节特性 高功率密度 免维护 设计坚固 低惯量 电机绝缘等级E绕组绝缘等级F 电机极高的短时过载能力 表面防护 最低的干扰辐射,提供不同干扰程度的产品可供选择防护等级高达IP 65 由于使用全自动生产线进行制造,从而使产品具有优良的质量直流电动机可与控制电子设备、齿轮箱、制动器和编码器结合成一个模块化系统以提供灵活的、适应性强的、面向市场的解决方案
主要型号:ALCATEL-LUCENTDunkermotoren BRUSHED DC MOTORS GR/G GR/G GR 22 GR 22 S G 30.2 G30.1 G 30.1 S G 30.0 G 30.0 S VDC Rated Voltage UN (VDC): Voltageversions, in which the motor size is available (The DC voltage thatist applied to the motor as a system supply voltage). Motorapplications are, however, not restricted to this voltage. 6, 12,24 6, 12, 24 12, 24, 40 12, 24, 40 12, 24, 40 12, 24, 40 12, 24, 40W Rated Power PN (W): The output power which the motor can producecontinuously. 2,5 3 4 6 7 10 11 Ncm Rated Torque MN (Ncm): Thetorque that can be produced by the motor, operating continuously.0,48 0,57 1 1,7 2 3 3,7 rpm Rated Speed nN (rpm): The speed of themotor when it is operating at rated torque. 4600 4100 3000 34003100 3030 2650 Motor with integrated Controller SI SI (4Q)Integrated Speed Controller GR/G GR 42x25 GR 42x40 GR 51x30 GR51x58 GR 53x30 GR 53x58 GR 63x25 GR 63x55 VDC Rated Voltage UN(VDC): Voltage versions, in which the motor size is available (TheDC voltage that ist applied to the motor as a system supplyvoltage). Motor applications are, however, not restricted to thisvoltage. 12, 24, 40 12, 24, 40 12, 24, 40, 60 12, 24, 40, 60 12,24, 40, 60 12, 24, 40, 60 12, 24, 40, 60 12, 24, 40, 60 W RatedPower PN (W): The output power which the motor can producecontinuously. 15 20 40 60 40 60 50 100 Ncm Rated Torque MN (Ncm):The torque that can be produced by the motor, operatingcontinuously. 3,8 5,7 10 17 10 17 14 27 rpm Rated Speed nN (rpm):The speed of the motor when it is operating at rated torque. 36003100 3600 3000 3600 3000 3300 3350 Motor with integrated ControllerSI SI (4Q) Integrated Speed Controller GR/G GR 80x40 GR 80x80 VDCRated Voltage UN (VDC): Voltage versions, in which the motor sizeis available (The DC voltage that ist applied to the motor as asystem supply voltage). Motor applications are, however, notrestricted to this voltage. 12, 24, 40, 60 24, 40, 60 W Rated PowerPN (W): The output power which the motor can produce continuously.120 240 Ncm Rated Torque MN (Ncm): The torque that can be producedby the motor, operating continuously. 35 62 rpm Rated Speed nN(rpm): The speed of the motor when it is operating at rated torque.2900 3200 Motor with integrated Controller SI SI (4Q) IntegratedSpeed Controller 。