适用范围 爆炸性气体混合物危险场所:1区、2区。 For the dangerous sites with explosive air
mixture: 1、division 2 division. 爆炸性气体混合物:ⅡA、ⅡB、ⅡC。 For the
explosive air mixture:ⅡA、ⅡB、ⅡC. 温度组别:T1-T3. Temperature
classification:T1-T3. *要求ⅡC级请注明。 *pls note if ⅡC Grade required.
产品特点 铸铝合金外壳,表面喷塑。 Diecasted Al-alloy shell with plastic-sprayed
surface. 灯体可在水平旋转360。,仰角在+90。至-60。内可调。 The lamp body can be rotated
360。levelly and adjusted from+90。to-60。elevately.
反射罩采用抛物面形,并镀铬抛光,反射率高,受照面照度均匀。 The reflector adopts paraboluic
mirror with chromium-platedfinish,high reflectivity and even
illuminance in illuminated surface. 电缆布线。 Cable wiring