联系人:王总??? 联系电话:0577-27880112?? 联系手机:13362763534
? 上海上民电气有限公司是专门生产,接地开关,负荷开关,隔离开关,熔断器等系列,我们为了让您用最低的价格买到最好的产品,本公司零部件都是自己生产,达到一条龙的生产效果,大大价低了成本价格,所以价格和质量方面你可以完全放心。本公司总部在繁华地带中国的电器之都——柳市,我们公司在高压行业属于领头羊的作用,我们公司一直贯彻"诚信为本,质量第一"的经营理念。
? 接地开关:JN4-12/31.5、JN15-12/31.5、JN15-24/31.5、JN15-40.5/31.5、JN22-40.5/31.5等犀利。
? 品牌:上海上民,? 优点1.质量领先柳市85%以上电气厂家、优点2.价格属于中等价位、优点3.公司向广大消费者保质3年。
????? 质量保证,价格实惠,是我们上海上民电气有限公司最大的优越!!!公司严格按IS9001;2000标准建立了质量管理体系。
? 你可以放心的购买我们的产品,我们产品3天之内包退,7天之内包换。
JN22-40.5/31.5 type indoor hv grounding switch (hereinafter referred to as the grounding switch) is rated voltage 40.5 kV, three-phase ac frequency 50 Hz power system of indoor grounding device, the comprehensive evaluation, and its performance is not only in the GB1985-89 "exchange high pressure isolating switch and grounding switch" requirement, and meet the requirements of the IEC129. Has the advanced design, technology reliable in performance, simple in construction, installation debugging convenience etc. Can be used for 35 kV armoured type move off ac metal-enclosed switchgear equipment, but also as a high voltage electrical equipment maintenance for grounding. Grounding switch has higher close ability, and the main switch, hand trolley and cupboard door between the mechanical atresia institution, can satisfy the "five prevent" function.
Shanghai people on electric Co., LTD. Is a specialized production, grounding switch, load switch, isolating switch, fuse, and other series, we in order to let you use the lowest price to get the best of products, our company parts were their production, achieve a complete set of production effect, the price is low cost greatly, so the price and quality of you can be at ease completely. The company headquarters in prosperous area of China electric located at liushi-our company in high pressure industry belongs to the role of leader, our company always carry out "the good faith for this, the quality first" business philosophy.
Grounding switch: JN4-12/31.5, JN15-12/31.5, JN15-24/31.5, JN15-40.5/31.5, JN22-40.5/31.5 and sharp.
Brand: Shanghai people, advantages 1. Located at liushi leading quality more than 85% electric factory, advantages 2. Price belongs to moderate price, advantages 3. The company to the vast number of consumers with quality and quantity in 3 years.
Quality assurance, the price is reasonable, is our Shanghai people electric Co., LTD. The biggest superior!!!!!!! The company strictly according to IS9001; 2000 standard established the quality management system.
You can rest assured to buy our products, our products within 3 days return, exchange within 7 days.
上海上民电气有限公司(简称“上海上民”),成立于1999年11月5日,总部设在上海市大连路1079号,交通十分便利。本公司是集科研、设计、开发、生产、销售于一体的现代化经济实体,专业生产高低压成套电气,工业电气,仪器仪表等100多全系列产品,1000多种规格,在同行中脱颖而出。公司通过ISO9001质量体系认证,在获得了生产许可证和国家电工认证的同时,又全部获得国家强CCC认证。 本公司拥有先进的设备系统和人力资源,有下属企业30余家,协作企业10多家。本公司以其领先的设计方案,精湛的技术,高效的管理理念和完善的售后服务,在激烈的市场竞争中赢得了广大顾客的一致好评。随着经济全球化时代的到来,上海上民电气有限公司正以全新的姿态迎接新的机遇和挑战,积极参与国际市场的业务交流与合作,竭诚与国内外用户及社会各界朋友携手合作,与时俱进,再创辉煌。