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价格:面议 / 台
更新:2014-02-22 11:09:06
产地:江苏 - 无锡市 - 无锡市
地址: 江苏 无锡 无锡市 无锡新区无锡科技创业园一区二楼207号

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  • 品牌/型号:GTVAC/ZKTC

真空触发开关(Triggered Vacuum Switch,TVS)又称为真空触发间隙(Triggered VacuumGap),是将真空开关技术[1,2]和三极火花隙技术[3-5]相结合而发展起来的一种新型大功率开关器件,其特点是利用真空作为主触头间的绝缘介质和灭弧介质,并采用特殊设计的触发极来控制开关进行

The switch is the key component and the main technical obstruction of the pulsed power system(PPS),which demands the right and reliable action of the sequential energy releasing.Lately,the triggered vacuum switch(TVS) is considered as the most compelling switch in pulsed power system.A novel design for controlling the Field-breakdown triggered vacuum switch is proposed in this paper.A typical triggered pulse generating circuit is put forward herein to get the high voltage triggered pulse which can supply the needed power to trigger the TVS's closing.However,this triggered pulse has such ings as large delay time and scatters.A high voltage steepened trigger pulse can solve the problem.For the sake of obtaining a high voltage steepened trigger pulse,the three-electrode-gap is used in the main high voltage pulse generating circuit to ensure the uracy of switching time of triggered vacuum switch within 2 μs.The series of fiber optic transmitters and receivers are used in the trigger signal generating circuit to improve the ability to inhibit interference.Mis-triggering because of mutual interferences among stages is solved in the experiments.Fiber optic is used between transmitters and receivers to insolate the low voltage control unit from the high voltage triggering units.The triggered power of the triggered vacuum switch's controller can be adjusted flexibly by changing the capacitance and its charged voltage.In order to obtain the Field-breakdown triggered vacuum switch's delay characteristics,the experimental circuit of TVS is set up and the experiments are launched.The experimental research work implies that the delay time and its scatter obviously decrease with the increase of triggered power.Particularly,the delay time can be 15.57 μs and its scatter can be 1.358 μs when the provided triggered power is 1.6 J.This work can be used to instruct the design of the triggered vacuum switch with high speed and precision performance.

无锡普天科技有限公司技术中心 主营电气与能源设备,高压电器,高压接触器供应真空触发开关;

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