[Supply] FN7-10D/630 HV load
switchfn7-10/400 load switch factory
FN7-10/630 price, FN7-10/630 manufacturers, FN7-10/630
We are a professional manufacturer, such a load switch now onlyused
for maintenance. So often available spot to prepare urgentlyneeded!
! !
The product FN7-10/430 and FN7-10/630 difference:
FN7-10/430 on behalf of the rated current 400A load switch.
FN7-10/630 on behalf of the rated current 630A load switch.
No other difference between the two parameters. The
voltageSimilarly 10KV. The price is the same. Please inquire
Of FN7-10KV the FN7-10KV products the difference between:
FN7-10KV on behalf of the rated voltage of 10KV load switch.
FN7-12KV on behalf of the rated voltage of 12KV load switch.
No other difference between the two parameters. Can call eachother.
Its General.
FN7-10/630 HV load switch details are as follows: ↓ ↓
Delivery: In Stock
Graph paper:
Real object diagram:
Technical Support: Engineer Tel resolve and support
FN7-10DR AC HV load switch is a new type of gas production
indoorhigh voltage load switch, suitable for AC 50Hz, rated voltage
of12kV three-phase AC power system, as
Breaking load current and short-circuit current with closing
theseries has a simple structure, breaking capacity, long
life,operating a full-featured, easy maintenance features.
Power plants, substations and transmission and distribution
systemcontrol and protection, especially for the frequent operation
ofthe plant.
FN7 (C) -10 Series high pressure load and fuse combination
unitsFN7-10 series of high-voltage load switch based on increased
sideoperating mechanism makes installation more convenient
Able to meet the different requirements of the majority
FN7-10/630 Model meaning:
Rated Current (400,630 A)
Electric sub-gate device (: F, No: empty)
Impact fuse (with: A, No: empty)
Load switch and earthing switch interlock device (: L,
The grounding switch position (the line end: S outlet side:X)
Earthing switch
Rated voltage (kV)
Design number
FN7-10/630 load switch
The breaker load switch disconnectors are in place??
Circuit breakers, load switches, disconnectors difference:
The circuit breaker operating mechanism, capable
ofremote operation and automatically cut off load current and
Isolation switch only manual operation to cut off
thenormal current, but there is a significant disconnect
Load switch acts: the breaker + isolation switch,
butbreaking capacity than circuit breakers.
Under normal circumstances: the high pressure circuit breaker
+isolation switch with the use, but because of certain line load
isnot less important, taking into account the economic, general
loadswitch instead of a circuit breaker + isolation switch
(generally10KV , 6KV system).
上海约拿电气有限公司成立于2003年,座落于上海市奉贤区,致力于电力系统智能化产品的研究、开发、生产及销售为一体的高新技术企业。以专业生产变频器控制柜【VFD】、【VFD-V矢量型变频器】、【VFD-M通用型变频器】,【迷你型/经济型变频器】,【JJR2软起动】、【软起动控制柜】、和阶梯电价国网智能电能表、单三相多费率电能表、单三相导轨表、多功能电能表、单三相电子式预付费电能表(IC卡表)、单三相电子式载波电能表、单相电子式电能表、485电子式电能表、单三相机械表、CGZ866-1F智能载波抄表集中器、HB866大用户管理终端(公用配变终端)、数显表、电力监控仪表、电量变送器、热工智能仪表、温度智能仪表、隔离模块、电量变送器、电流互感器等产品为主。以精确、可靠、节能、环保的智能配电产品满足电力系统各方位的需求。公司一贯坚持“以质量求生存,以科技求发展,以管理出效益”的经营理念,以高品质的电气产品和服务来满足广大客户现在和将来的需求。 约拿产品除在国内广泛使用,还随出口工程项目出口至美国、法国、泰国、俄罗斯、菲律宾、印尼、埃塞俄比亚等诸多国家,产品深受国内外客户好评。公司还专业为各类生产流水线及各类机械设备厂家设计自动化系统和各类配套自动化仪表。同时,多年来为国内外众多钢铁厂、水泥厂、玻璃厂、热电厂及其它各类衡器厂提供了标准和非标的优质仪表,产品和服务质量在业内颇有影响。 多年来,公司引进了先进的技术和严谨的管理方法,引进国内优秀研发人才,其中大专以上科技人员占35%,凭借先进的生产工艺,稳定的产品质量,超前的经营理念,公司已全面通过ISO9001质量管理体系及3C认证,主要产品均通过国家有关检测机构型式试验,并取得证书。为进一步向用户提供质量保证,产品已由中国人民保险公司进行产品质量责任保险承保,并向社会和广大用户郑重提出质量保证及服务承诺。 “优质的产品、先进的技术、尽善尽美的服务”是约拿人的追求目标。面对中国工业电气的发展机遇和挑战,约拿电气制定了新的发展战略规划,快速形成了系统化,规模化的生产模式。在新的环境中,努力创新经营理念,提高管理水平,完善市场网络,加大品牌推广,加速资源整合,全面 约拿电气立足本国,放眼世界,本着互惠互利的原则,愿与社会各界朋友精诚合作,共创 辉煌!诚挚欢迎各方来宾前来参观、洽谈。