

价格:面议 / 台
更新:2014-05-15 18:01:48
产地:浙江 - 温州 -

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  • 提供加工定制:是
  • 品牌:JONAH
  • 型号:FN12-12/630负荷开关
  • 产品认证:CCC

    • 【供应】FN12-12/630负荷开关fn12-12户内高压负荷开关
    • 型号:FN12-12/630A
    • 极数:3极 额定频率:50HZ Hz 额定绝缘电压:42KV
    • 极限分断能力:50KA运行分断能力:20KA kA 
    • 机械寿命:2000次 

    • 货    期:现货
    • 图    纸:有
    • 实 物 图:有
    • 技术支持:工程师电话中解决和支持

    • FN12-12系列产品有:

    • FN12-12/630A   这个是常用型号。
    • FN12-12R/630A  多一个R字母,代表此负荷开关上装有熔断器底座。
    • FN12-12D/630A  多一个D字母,代表此负荷开关上装有配套的接地装置。
    • FN12-12RD/630A 多两个字母R和D,肯定是代表此开关上装有熔断器底座和接地装置两样。
    • 还有,一般负荷开关开关的型号后面还有带-20KA,这个代表额定断路器。

    •     FN12负荷开关是一款以压气式为主的负荷开关,通过压缩气体来实现灭弧。FN12是额定电压为12KV,额定频率为50Hz的三相

    • 高压开关设备,用于分合负荷电流,闭环电流,空载变压器和电缆充电电流,关合短路电流。 FN12可加装接地可带熔断器,可用

    • 于墙上安装。墙上安装多配CS8-5专用手动操作机构。可侧装,正装,倒装等安装方式,常规是上进线,下出线。可带分励手合电

    • 分,可手和手分。可电动分合等操作方式。现在手合电分常见。FN12现在型号多用FKN12表示,少部分用FN12-12RD/125-31.5

    • 隔离开关、负荷开关、断路器的区别
    •     负荷开关是可以带负荷分断的,有自灭弧功能。隔离开关一般是不能能带负荷分断的,结构上没有灭弧罩,也有能分断负荷的隔离开关,只是结构上与负荷开关不同,相对来说简单一些。
    •    负荷开关和隔离开关,都可以形成明显断开点,大部分断路器不具隔离功能,也有少数断路器具隔离功能。
    •     隔离开关不具备保护功能,负荷开关有过载保护的功能。负荷开关和熔断器的组合电器能自动跳闸,具备断路器的部分功能。而断路器可具有短路保护、过载保护、漏电保护等功能。 
    •     负荷开关和断路器的本质区别就是他们的开断容量不同,断路器的开断容量可以在制造过程中做的很高但是负荷开关的开断容量是有限的。负荷开关的保护一般是加熔断器保护,只有速断和过流。断路器主要是依靠加电流互感器配合二次设备来保护。 
    •     负荷开关主要用在开闭所和容量不大的配电变压器(小于800KVA)。 
    •     断路器主要用在经常开断负荷的电机和大容量的变压器以及变电站里。
    •     负荷开关是可以分断正常负荷电流,具有一定的灭弧能力;隔离开关不具备任何分断能力,只能在没有任何负荷电流的情况下开断,起到隔离电气的作用,他一般装在负荷开关或断路器的两端,起到检修负荷开关或断路器时隔离电气的作用;断路器具有分断事故负荷的作用,与各种继电保护配合,起到保护电气设备或线路的作用;
    •     隔离开关是在断开位置满足隔离要求的开关,负荷开关是能分断正常负荷电流的开关。断路器是具有过载、短路和欠电压保护的保护电器
    •     隔离开关又叫检修开关,是检修时有一个明显的断开点;它只可以断开小符合电流,一般来说不允许带负荷拉隔离。 
    •     断路器一般用在低压的照明,动力部分,可以起到自动切断电路的作用,而隔离开关是用在高压部分的,在变电所,高压进线先进隔离开关,然后接到变压器的一次侧,这样可以实现控制高压进线通、断的功能。

  • 出口型
  • Offer FN12-12/630 load switch fn12-12 indoor high voltage load switch
    Model: FN12-12/630A
    Poles: 3-pole Rated frequency: 50HZ Hz Rated insulation voltage: 42KV
    Ultimate breaking capacity: 50KA run breaking capacity: 20KA kA
    Mechanical life: 2000

    Delivery: In Stock
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    Technical Support: Engineer Tel resolve and support

    FN12-12 Series products are:

    FN12-12/630A This is commonly used models.
    FN12-12R/630A more than an R letter, on behalf of the fused base load switch.
    FN12-12D/630A more than a D letter, on behalf of the grounding device supporting this load switch equipped.
    FN12-12RD/630A more than two letters R and D is certainly representative of this switch fused different base and grounding device.
    Also, after the model of the the general load switch switch there with-20KA, representing the rated circuit breaker.

        The FN12 load switch is a switch-based load puffer compressed gas to the interrupter. FN12 is a rated voltage of 12KV, rated frequency 50Hz three-phase

    High-voltage switchgear for the division and load current, closed-loop current, no-load transformer and cable charging current, to close short circuit current. FN12 installation of ground with the fuse, available

    Installed in the wall. Wall mounted with CS8-5 dedicated manual operating mechanism. Installation of the side-mounted, suits, flip, conventional motivated line under the outlet. With shunt hands to power

    Points, be hand and hand. Electric division and mode of operation. Hands to power common points. FN12 now multi-model in FKN12 small part FN12-12RD/125-31.5

    Isolation switch, load switch, circuit breaker distinction
        Load switch with load, self-interrupter function. Disconnector is generally can not with load, the structure does not interrupter cover, there are also breaking load isolating switch, only the structure on different load switch, is relatively simple.
        Load switch disconnectors, can form a clear disconnect point, most of the circuit breaker with isolation, there are a small number of circuit breaker with isolation feature.
        Do not have the protection function isolation switch, load switch with overload protection function. The load switch and fuse combination units can automatically trip with some of the features of the circuit breaker. Breaker may have a short-circuit protection, overload protection, leakage protection and other functions.
        Load switch and circuit breaker, the essential difference between their different breaking capacity, high breaking capacity of the circuit breaker in the manufacturing process, but the load switch switching capacity is limited. Load switch protection is generally plus fuse protection the only quick break and overcurrent. Breaker mainly rely plus current transformer with the secondary device to protect.
        Load switch is mainly used in the opening and closing of the relatively small volume of distribution transformers (less than 800KVA).
        The circuit breaker is mainly used in often breaking load motor and large capacity transformers and substation.
        Load switch breaking normal load current the interrupter capacity; isolation switch does not have any breaking capacity, breaking only in the case of no load current, and play a role in the isolation Electric, he is generally mounted on the load switch or both ends of the circuit breaker, play a the maintenance load switch or circuit breaker to isolate the role of the electrical; circuit breaker with a the accident breaking load with a variety of relay protection with play a role in the protection of electrical equipment or wiring;
        The isolation switch is in the off position to meet the isolation requirements switch, load switch is breaking the normal load current switching. Breaker has contained , short circuit and under voltage protection protection of electrical
        The isolation switch called maintenance switch, maintenance is an obvious disconnect point; but it was able to disconnect small to meet the current, in general, does not allow negatively Hera isolation.
        Breakers are generally used in low voltage lighting, power part, can play a role automatically cut off the circuit, isolation switch is used in the high-pressure part, advanced isolation switch in the substation, high pressure into the line, and then to the transformer primary side This can be achieved control high pressure into the line to pass off.


上海约拿电气有限公司成立于2003年,座落于上海市奉贤区,致力于电力系统智能化产品的研究、开发、生产及销售为一体的高新技术企业。以专业生产变频器控制柜【VFD】、【VFD-V矢量型变频器】、【VFD-M通用型变频器】,【迷你型/经济型变频器】,【JJR2软起动】、【软起动控制柜】、和阶梯电价国网智能电能表、单三相多费率电能表、单三相导轨表、多功能电能表、单三相电子式预付费电能表(IC卡表)、单三相电子式载波电能表、单相电子式电能表、485电子式电能表、单三相机械表、CGZ866-1F智能载波抄表集中器、HB866大用户管理终端(公用配变终端)、数显表、电力监控仪表、电量变送器、热工智能仪表、温度智能仪表、隔离模块、电量变送器、电流互感器等产品为主。以精确、可靠、节能、环保的智能配电产品满足电力系统各方位的需求。公司一贯坚持“以质量求生存,以科技求发展,以管理出效益”的经营理念,以高品质的电气产品和服务来满足广大客户现在和将来的需求。 约拿产品除在国内广泛使用,还随出口工程项目出口至美国、法国、泰国、俄罗斯、菲律宾、印尼、埃塞俄比亚等诸多国家,产品深受国内外客户好评。公司还专业为各类生产流水线及各类机械设备厂家设计自动化系统和各类配套自动化仪表。同时,多年来为国内外众多钢铁厂、水泥厂、玻璃厂、热电厂及其它各类衡器厂提供了标准和非标的优质仪表,产品和服务质量在业内颇有影响。 多年来,公司引进了先进的技术和严谨的管理方法,引进国内优秀研发人才,其中大专以上科技人员占35%,凭借先进的生产工艺,稳定的产品质量,超前的经营理念,公司已全面通过ISO9001质量管理体系及3C认证,主要产品均通过国家有关检测机构型式试验,并取得证书。为进一步向用户提供质量保证,产品已由中国人民保险公司进行产品质量责任保险承保,并向社会和广大用户郑重提出质量保证及服务承诺。 “优质的产品、先进的技术、尽善尽美的服务”是约拿人的追求目标。面对中国工业电气的发展机遇和挑战,约拿电气制定了新的发展战略规划,快速形成了系统化,规模化的生产模式。在新的环境中,努力创新经营理念,提高管理水平,完善市场网络,加大品牌推广,加速资源整合,全面 约拿电气立足本国,放眼世界,本着互惠互利的原则,愿与社会各界朋友精诚合作,共创 辉煌!诚挚欢迎各方来宾前来参观、洽谈。

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