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更新:2014-02-06 00:17:18

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Rubber insulated cables(wires) of rated Voltages up to and including 450/750V 产品标准Standard    本产品按GB5013-1997《额定电压450/750V及以下橡皮绝缘电缆》、JB8735-1998《额定电压450/750V及以下橡皮绝缘软线和软电缆》及Q/320282DCE036-2003标准生产,同时还可根据用户需要按国际电工委员会推荐标准IEC、英国标准、德国标准及美国标准生产。 The product is manufactured according to the standard 《Rubber insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including450/750V》of GB5013-1997,《Rubber insulated cords and flexible cables of rated voltages up to and including450/750V》OF JB8735-1998,and Q/320282DCE036-2003,and the same time is also manufactured according to the standard of IEC、English、Germany and America. 适用范围Applications 橡皮绝缘电线(电缆)适用于工频额定电压U0/U450/750V及以下动力装置用移动敷设的电线电缆。 Rubber insulated wires and cables of suitable for power device with moving installation and rated voltage up and including 450/750V. 使用特性Operating characteristics 工频额定电压U0/U为450/750V、300/500V、300/300V。 Rated power-frepuency voltage U0/U:450/750Vand300/500Vand300/300V. 电缆导体的最高允许工作温度:60℃。 Max.admissible operating temperature of the conductor:60℃. 电缆允许最低的工作环境温度为-35℃。 Permissibie long-term operating temperature:Lowest working temperature is-35℃. YQW,YZW,245IEC57,YCW,245IEC66,245IEC82,YHF电缆可在受矿物油和燃料油污染场合使用。 Cables can be used at placescontaminated by mineral oil and fuel oil. 电缆弯曲半径:The bending radius of cable D≤25mm:≥4D D>25mm:≥6D (D-Diameter of the cable) 电缆的型号Type of cable 型号 Type 名称 Designation YQ 天然丁苯橡皮绝缘天然丁苯橡皮护套轻型软电缆(电缆) NR/SBR rubber insulated NR/SBR rubber sheathed flexible cables ( wires ) for lighe-duty YQW 天然丁苯橡皮绝缘氯丁橡皮护套轻型软电缆(电线) NR/SBR rubber insulated neoprene ( CR ) rubber sheathed flexible cables ( wires ) for middle sized YZW 245IEC57 天然丁苯橡皮绝缘氯丁橡皮护套中型软电缆(电线) NR/SBR rubber insulated neoprene ( CR ) rubber sheathed flexible cables ( wires ) for middle sized YC 天然丁苯橡皮绝缘天然丁苯橡皮护套中型软电缆 NB/SBR rubber insulated NR/SBR rubber sheathed flexible cables for heavy-duty YCW 245IEC66 天然丁苯橡皮绝缘氯丁橡皮护套中型软电缆(电线) NR/SBR rubber insulated neoprene ( CR ) rubber sheathed flexible cables (wires)for middle sized YH 245IEC81 天然丁苯橡皮护套电焊机用电缆 NR/SBR rubber sheather arc welding cables YHF 245IEC82 氯丁橡皮护套电焊机用电缆 Neoprene (CR) rubber sheathed arc welding cables 生产范围Production Range of Cable 注:“★”的产品按JB8735.2-1998标准生产。“■”的产品按Q/320282DCE-2003标准生产。其余按产品GB5013-1997标准生产。 Note:“★”indicates that the product is manufactured according to thestandard of JB8735-1998 “■”indicates that the product is manufactured according to the standard of Q320282DCE036 -2003.The rest product is manufactured according to the standard pf GB5013-1997. 结构尺寸及主要技术参数Construction and main technical data


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